It’s no surprise Arizona is one of the top states people are moving to. It’s undoubtedly due to the quality of life our beautiful state offers. Are you curious to know what the other top states people are moving to are? According to, the top states are listed below.
Top States People Are Moving To:
- Idaho
- Oregon
- Arizona
- South Carolina
- Washington
- District of Columbia
- Florida
- South Dakota
- North Carolina
- Tennesse / New Mexico
- Nevada
- Texas
- Alabama
- Delaware
- Wyoming
- Colorado
- Rhode Island
- New Hampshire
- Arkansas
- Georgia
Now, all those people have to come from somewhere. Below are the top 20 states people are moving out of.
Top States People are Moving From:
- New Jersey
- Illinois
- New York
- Connecticut
- Kansas
- Ohio
- Michigan / California
- North Dakota
- Iowa
- Massachusetts
- Louisiana
- Montana
- Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Kentucky
- Indiana
- Mississippi
- Minnesota
- Maryland
- Utah
For the complete list and for more information, click here to visit
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